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Buying oxybutynin that was provided in the morning. "He's not thinking clearly. We want him to take pills and not do anything we've made him do," Mr. Bissonette said of El Khadir in a recent court proceeding. "He's like, 'I'm a big boy, I'm 17, my rights don't apply in this situation and I'm telling you as the state attorney that he's a bad kid and got to take the treatment.'" Mr. El Khadir remains on probation, which prevents him from possessing guns, can have his electronic monitoring off 24/7 and has to appear at the court every month, judges' request. But it took another two years for him to fully participate in the drug program. And that's been his struggle to come terms. Mr. El Khadir is at the bottom of barrel. His mother said he recently sold some drugs for the first time, money to buy more Oxycontin. "Nobody would give him money because he didn't have a job that paid [a wage of] more than $1000 a month," she said. "He told me he is getting better at selling, he said, 'I'm doing better all the time with my money,' and I'm thinking, 'How am I helping him?" Ms. El Khadir declined a request from The Globe to be interviewed about her son's situation. That Mr. El Khadir is a drug dealer not unexpected to residents of the community, who described him as unstable and prone to violence. The judge, however, said on Feb. 3 that he is not aware of any violent incidents between Mr. El Khadir and anyone so far this year. Mr. El Khadir is said to be "soft-spoken by nature," and "never involved in any real trouble with the law," prosecutor Robert P. Murray said in a recent court motion. The court record does not indicate that he has ever been convicted of any public-order crimes. Court clerks and a public defender said they knew of no convictions. Court officials would not respond to questions about specific offences. "Mr. Khadir has not even been charged with an offence and he was arrested for selling marijuana," court clerk Elizabeth LeDuc said in an email. Story continues below advertisement When Mr. El Khalili was born about 20 years ago, the community was a thriving one where drug dealing flourished. But the community exploded in recent years when the nearby Maple Street Mall began to crumble, residents say, leaving thousands of empty units on the market. For the neighborhood and its residents, drugs were a way of making their lives more livable, with the street-level drug dealing providing a means to supply their addiction. That is where things got interesting, according to residents and court clerks. Two years ago and a month after Mr. El Khadir started selling drugs, his father died mysteriously. The Crown and Public Prosecution Service declined to comment on the death, and so far this year no new charges have been laid against Mr. El Khadir in respect to the death. About a year ago, Mr. El Khadir's mother found him with the drugs he was trying to sell, along with about $100,000 worth of narcotics in his garage. She told police then took him to hospital and when she tried to return home retrieve her belongings, he started to leave. The police took him to an adult rehab facility in September 2012. When the drug charges against him arose two years later, Ms. El Khadir was also taken to an adult treatment facility for her son before she was charged in 2013. The Crown and Public Prosecution Service said that their legal system could no longer handle his case because it was "too big a court proceeding." But in January, as he languished behind bars, Mr. El Khadir managed to get his drug cases adjourned. That is when they were amended from drug-trafficking and possession to criminal sale trafficking – charges that now carry a maximum 12-year sentence and $5,000 fine. Justice Stephen Corbula then ruled that the Crown and Justice Minister Dominic LeBlanc should seek and obtain an order, also known as ex-parte application, to expedite the matter because there is a substantial court backlog: An average 10-year delay had been reported in the oxybutynine kopen zonder recept past, according to Public Prosecution Service records. A copy of the application, which was signed by Justice Corbula, handed to the Crown and Justice Minster. Mr. El Khadir remains in custody. His lawyer told Mr. Corbula that he also had an order from his probation officer, according to Justice Corbula's judgment dated March 3. That order, obtained by The Globe,.

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